Have been looking at a lot of sectionals lately...helping out a friend who asked a question about good looking sectional sofas. I've never really thought about sectionals until the last few days. I could never have one...not until I move out of my tiny tiny tiny cottage in the Hollywood Hills...so I've never even pondered them.
Well, after looking around, I found quite a few sectionals I really liked. So I ask myself...if I had a big space for a family room with a big family...would I go for sectional or sofa?
Here are two living areas (I think dens)...one modern and sleek with a huge sectional (above)...the other a little more traditional with a sofa and few armchairs (below). Which do you prefer? That's the question in today's THIS OR THAT!
So which of these rooms do you prefer...the sleek modern with the huge comfy sectional or the more classic with the traditional seating...do tell?
Also, please check out COCOCOZY Pinterest and my Fantastic Furniture board to see some of my favorite sectional picks!
Happy Friday!
P.S. I will be doing a giveaway on Tuesday...so stay tuned!
P.P.S. I finally have a story planned in advance! Woohooo. Whoa hoa! Woot woot! Monday's post is going to be awesome...inside a chic Hollywood party with tips from a fab Los Angeles trendsetter.
P.P.P.S. This week, have been drinking vegetable juice from a local juice bar...lips are dry...is that weird? Feel healthier but have dry lips. I know...strange...
P.P.P.P.S. Too much information...I know.
P.P.P.P.P.S. If you know where the first photo comes from, please let me know...I saved it the other day and did not save the source! I will update source below if anyone lets me know! Update: Thank you to reader AmyK for leaving a comment that jogged my memory on the source for the first photo. It has been added!
Photo source: Kelly Behun; Estee Stanley
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