empress tree pink blossoms bloom flower flowers flowering plant garden azalea bush shrub park bench small town square

Went out to my hometown of Claremont, California yesterday for Easter.  Claremont is a small sweet Southern California college town.  Such a cute place it is...was happy to go home for the holiday.

Had a lovely Easter brunch with my very very nice sis DS (uh I add an extra very because I just found out my floors were done wrong at my cottage in the Hollywood Hills so I may have to stay with sis DS for two more weeks), my wonderful mother and the very sweet TE. We had a really nice time together. Good conversation and lots of warm laughter.

Before brunch, as TE and I drove into the little town square there we noticed a beautiful little park with gorgeous pink and purple flowering trees and plants. After our brunch, we stopped off to take photos. It was a bit of cloudy day and I was in light blue Easter dress and heels but I found myself somewhat inelegantly bending, stretching, standing with legs akimbo to get the best shot of all of the stunning blooms. It seems that TE is a better photographer than me though...for every 30 photos I took, he took one really beautiful one...hmmmm...note to self...take some photography lessons.  Anyhooo...here are some views of some lovely spring pink and purple blooms in the middle of Claremont. Some good ideas for my garden next spring!

I should dedicate this post to best of friend AM who loves the color pink and who has passed that love of all things pink onto her little boo boo daughter.  AM hope you enjoy this one!

pink azalea azaleas flowering flower bush shrub plant garden bloom blossom
Pink azaleas! (above)

purple lilac plant bush shrub garden flower flowers spring bloom blossoms
Is this purple flower a lilac?  Please identify! (above)

pink azaleas flower flowering plant bush shrub empress tree purple flowers small town usa claremont
I think the pink flowering tree is called an Empress tree....it was so beautiful. (above)
Hope you all had a nice weekend!

Happy Monday!



P.S.  Have been eating non stop for the last 24 hours because Lent is over!  This year, I gave up corn, anything with flour, potatoes, sugar and dried mangoes for over 40 days.  Oy va voy.  This year was hard.  On Easter morning TE made me a cute basket complete with corn chips, an apple fritter, bundt cake from a delish bakery called Nothing Bundt Cakes, boxes of pasta, truffles, chocolate, jelly beans and a stuffed Easter bunny.  I spent the day nibbling at the basket and then finished off the day requesting pizza for dinner (which TE went out and picked up from a great place in Santa Monica).  Sounds crazy...I know...but 40 days without anything quite decadent in the food department would drive anyone crazy...right????  Or wrong???

Photos:  All photos in this post by Coco of COCOCOZY


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