LOVE this apartment...the collection of furniture, the modern sensibility and the overall hue! Fantastic. Nubby gray Bo Concept rug and sofa from there too. Custom modern white coffee table on casters (wheels). These standard pieces are all complimented by an array of midcentury modern looking arm chairs and a classic black Thonet bentwood chair. Of course, you know me, I love the white wood floors.
Look is achieved with a very neutral base (if you take away all of the accessories) all in black white and grays and then textures and patterns are layered in the form of art, pillows, lighting, lamps and other items.
The built in book shelf that divides the kitchen from the living space is fantastic...a functional dividing wall.
What do you think of this apartment? Like or dislike? Does it need more color or are you fine with the black, white, silver and a bit of brown?
Happy Wednesday!
P.S. Been having nice meetings lately with fab Hollywood agent HM. He's been introducing me around to his colleagues. He's nice.
P.P.S. Have been doing a Vegan before 6pm diet (there is some new book out that says be a vegan by day and then a carnivore by always game for trying something new). Am a total airhead though. I pranced out of my office at lunch time the other day singing, "I am Vegan before 6. Vegan before 6. Vegan before 6". Everyone just looked at me as if I was kooky. I walked across the way with a person in my office, I ordered lunch and came back and started eating it. After I had taken several bites, a person in my office who was also eating the same lunch selection said, "Just thought of something...that turkey chili is not vegan". Duh. I do have quite a few airhead moments. Uhh...what about ordering "turkey chili" would ever make me think "vegan"? Tomorrow is another day!
Photos: Elle Interior
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