Wishing my fantastic mother, my godmother, aunts, cousins, dear friends and COCOCOZY readers who are moms a very Happy Mother's Day! Took this photo this morning...went on the hunt in my neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills with TE, searching for the perfect flower to photograph for moms on Mother's Day.
Mother's Day makes me think of all of the unconditional love moms give and the touching sacrifices they make for their children. My mother certainly has loved me and sis DS unconditionally and has given us so much loving support over the years. She has always been there for both of us...loving and encouraging through everything good and bad. A rock. Thank you to my own mom...I love you!
This holiday also makes me think of my dear sweet late grandmother. She was an amazing mother of four and grandmother to many. Like so many grandmothers and mothers do, my grandmother loved us, cooked for us, played with us, adored us, encouraged us and devoted her life to her kids and grand kids. The cool thing about my grandmother was that while she loved her family and her own children dearly, she really opened up her heart and gave her love to anyone who wanted and needed it. Her home was always bustling with dozens of people - many of whom were family and many of whom were people, friends, neighbors, even some near strangers who just called my grandmother "mom".
So a huge hats off to moms in general for all of what you do for your children whether they be young toddlers, playful kids, independent teenagers or grown adults! Thank you!
Am spending the afternoon with my mom and sis. Hope you have great plans too.
Happy Sunday! Happy Mother's Day.
Photo in this post by Coco of COCOCOZY
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