White arched doorway from a covered patio into a home with grey deck flooring and built in bench seating

A doorway from a covered patio into a home.  Everything about this semi outdoor space seems lovely to me.  The arched glass door, the weathered gray deck flooring, the built in bench seating.  The neutral color scheme and of course all of the natural light.  I love this.

Am headed to Chicago right on the plane with TE and his son EE.  We are going to Chicago because TE is running the Chicago Marathon on Sunday!  Why would anyone want to run 26.2 miles?  I've spent the last 19 weeks of his training trying to figure it out.  It has been quite inspiring watching seeing him go out 6 days a week to run.  Whoa.  Amazing.  One weekend, I dropped him off to go run and he ran for 3 hours straight...20 miles.  During that time, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items for him (just a few) and then I went home and turned on my computer...just turned it on.  I certainly felt under accomplished when I picked him up and he asked me "What did you do while I was running?".

Anyhooo...back to this it.

Will send pictures via COCOCOZY Instagram and COCOCOZY Twitter from Chicago...please follow me there.

Happy Friday!



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